Writing, Editing & Proofreading jobs
Note: Companies listed here either offer ongoing job opportunities or hire periodically. Please visit their corporate web sites and review their present hiring status. |
360 USA Inc |
360 USA Inc is presently accepting articles on all topics related to the wheelchair community. Our overall tone is informative and entertaining. A general familiarity with our editorial content is the best guideline for submissions, but don't hesitate to surprise us. |
Associated Content |
If you would like to earn some extra money writing articles Associated Content is a great program to join! You get a payment of $1.5 per thousand page views in addition to the upfront payment. The payment is processed via PayPal. |
Academic Eassy Writing : USA, UK & Canada |
Experienced Academic Custom Writers and Researchers Wanted! If you have the talent, education, and experience to write academic papers (essays, term and research papers, proposals, theses, and dissertations) on any subject, at different levels of studies and writing skills, and your English is fluent, apply to join our Custom Writing and Researching Team today! |
Academic English Editing |
Academic English Editing is always looking for good editors. We are especially interested in editors with solid academic credentials and those who speak certain languages that are in demand and/or have backgrounds in scholarly fields where we need editors. |
Academic Word : Editors |
We are always interested in learning about exceptional editors and translators with experience in academic writing. ACADEMICWORD offers challenging work in a stimulating environment. |
Active Trader |
Many of the articles in Active Trader are contributed by industry professionals. If you believe you have a trading or market idea that would make a good article for our publication, please send a message. |
Appingo : Copyeditors & Proofreaders |
If you have experience in any of the following and are available for freelance work (please indicate whether you are available to work inhouse at our Waltham, Massachusetts facility), please attach your resume along with a cover letter indicating your rate and availability. Proofreaders, copy editors and page formatters will be given a skills test. |
Avanti Press : Write Greeting Card Lines |
Can you write wonderful verses, then you can submit them to Avanti. Visit the Avanti website for submission guidelines for your work. |
About.com |
About.com is an online neighborhood of hundreds of helpful experts we call Guides. All About.com Guides are freelancers who work online and set their own schedules, giving them the flexibility to work at the time that's best for them. |
Accepted |
Accepted.com's editors are independent contractors who value their independence and flexibility. We are seeking editors to add to our staff in the early summer. |
AVTronic : Independent Proofreader |
We are looking for experienced proofreaders to work from home proofreading typed verbatim transcripts. Excellent grammar and experience with legal and medical terminology is a must. You will be required to verify spellings, punctuation and formatting, and adhere to time-sensitive deadlines. |
Accepted : Editors |
We are seeking editors to add to our staff in the early summer. If you are a freelance editor/writer who likes helping people achieve their dreams while working with them to focus and clarify their ideas. |
Baby Zone |
We're always looking for talented freelance writers/copyeditor to add to our roster. If you're interested in writing for us, E-mail Us a short bio (or resume). |
Blue Mountain Arts, Inc : Greeting Card Writings |
Blue Mountain Arts is interested in reviewing writings that would be appropriate for publication on our greeting cards. We are looking for highly original and creative submissions on love, friendship, family, philosophies, and any other topic that one person might want to share with another. |
Bright Hub |
Bright Hub is looking for talented writers to contribute to one of the fastest growing communities online. There is a level of quality we expect from you if you choose to work with us. We will compensate writers $10 for an article in addition to future revenue sharing based on it's popularity. |
Bukisa - INT'L |
Bukisa is a place for authors, contributors and writers to share their knowledge, works and teachings and earn profit from unique sharing model. You will receive the revenues that you generated via PayPal within approximately 30 days of the end of the month in which your account balance reaches the minimum US $50. Joining Bukisa is free! |
Brandon Hall : Analysts | Writers | Researchers |
Are you a researcher experienced with statistically based surveys or market analyses? or, a learning professional with special expertise or unique experience who writes well? or, An analyst or research report writer? |
Boyds Mills Press |
Boyds Mills Press is a publisher of books for children and young adults. We review each submission in the order that it was received and try to respond within three months. |
CyberEdit : Admission Eassy Editor & Resume Writer |
As a freelance EssayEdge editor, you will provide tips on topic selection, rework clumsy sentences, reorganize rambling text, and proofread final essays. You receive your jobs via email and can work from your own computer and set your own hours. ResumeEdge freelance writers would complete jobs helping write and edit resumes and cover letters using existing resumes and cover letters and additional information (if available). You are paid per completed editing job. |
Consumer Search |
ConsumerSearch.com is actively seeking freelance writers and editors to join our team. Rates for freelance writing vary according to the writer and the report. Writers and editors are invited to apply by preparing a sample report. |
CopyDesk |
You are a writer looking for a new outlet in which to showcase your creative talent. CopyDesk handles a myriad of full-time jobs: copywriting, editing and proofreading to name just a few. Magazine publishing, technical writing and journalism to name a few more. |
Cherry Lane : Educational Authors and Editors |
Freelance opportunities are available for educational music authors (particularly for drums, bass, and acoustic guitar) and editors (particularly for piano and guitar, all styles). Previous writing and editorial experience preferred. Attention to detail and ability to follow music and text style sheets a must. |
DoctorTEXT |
We are currently looking for highly-qualified and highly-motivated North American, British or Australian freelance writers. We are in need of writers with degrees or experience in the following areas: Accounting, Business, English Composition, Economics, Marketing, Mathematics, and Physics. To qualify, you must be able to expertly write term papers, essays, research papers, book reports, theses, and/or dissertations. |
Divorce Do It Yourself Service : Website Content Editor |
Experienced content writer familiar with digital media. Writes text and content for the website and other digital media. Writes articles, newsletters, emails, promotional materials, advertising, eBooks...At least 2 years of on-the-job writing experience |
DistanceWeb : Copywriter |
Exprienced writer desired for generating copy for ads, web sites, and email marketing initiatives. Please provide samples of relevant work. Experience developing copy for email promotions and newsletters desired. Work in specific industry verticals, such as finance, publishing, high-tech a plus. |
Edisense : Copy and Substantive Editors |
We are currently looking for freelance copyeditors or substantive (structural) editors who are experienced in academic editing, subject matter experts, experienced in editing non-native English. |
eHow |
Write "how-to" articles and earn money for your contribution. With eHow's Writer Compensation Program, users can earn money based on article performance. Payments are made each month through PayPal. , only those based in the US can participate in the WCP. Sign up for eHow's WCP--shorthand for Writer's Compensation Program. It's fast and easy. |
eReporters : Proofreader |
If you have an eye for detail when it comes to proofreading, please contact us. We would love to hear from you. Familiarity with legal, technical, and medical is especially useful. This position also allows you to work from home. |
EditFast |
Are you a skilled editor, proofreader, writer? Looking for a job? We need you! EditFast takes pride in the quality of the work we do and in the speed of our editors. We want the best! This is a freelance opportunity. |
Editor Live |
We are currently looking for qualified editors in all fields of study. EditorLive editors are required to provide corrections and suggestions in reference to grammar, spelling, document flow, punctuation, and usage within strict deadlines ranging from 3 to 72 hours, depending upon the client's request. |
Edit 911 |
Edit911 provide copy editing and proofreading for all types of written texts. We are always looking for more professional editors to join our world-class Staff. Kindly send us your resume and a sample of your writing. |
Eassy Writers |
Our writers are our most valuable asset. f you want to get paid for your love of writing, Essaywriters.net will provide you with a friendly community of writers, competitive rewards and global clients. You can earn up to $16/page. |
Examiner |
Examiner.com, an innovative online local news and information source, is looking for folks in local markets across the country who enjoy informing others about subjects they love. Interested? Answer a few questions that describe your area of expertise and its local relevance, and to illustrate your experience, knowledge and qualifications for becoming an Examiner today! |