Writing, Editing, Proofreading Jobs - II
Note: Companies listed here either offer ongoing job opportunities or hire periodically. Please visit their corporate web sites and review their present hiring status. |
Editor Sink |
Editor’s Ink is always looking for qualified freelance writers and editors to enhance and supplement our existing staff. We employ freelancers on an as-needed basis and those that demonstrate strong skills, attention to detail, and a willingness to accept new challenges will receive the majority of our outsourced projects. |
FabJob |
We periodically hire people to research and write FabJob® guides on a contract basis. Payment is on a flat fee (non-royalty) basis. We also publish authors' bios in the guide, and provide a copy of the e-book as well as the print book when it is published. |
Fantasy & Science |
We are looking for stories that will appeal to science fiction and fantasy readers.The SF element may be slight, but it should be present. We prefer character-oriented stories. Payment is 6-9 cents per word on acceptance. |
Fuze : Copywriter |
We are seeking freelance copywriters for different client projects. Primarily writing for online audiences, we are looking for writers with experience in high-tech, travel & tourism, retail, and other vertical markets. |
Highlights |
Highlights for Children is a general-interest, advertising-free magazine for children up to age twelve. We accept material at any time of the year, including seasonal material. We pay for all material on acceptance. |
Jungle Page |
Make your own schedule and work part-time or full-time. JunglePage will pay you competitively for your expertise in writing essays, book reports, college entrance essays, scholarship essays, and in offering proofreading services. |
Lyceum Books, Inc |
We are looking for experienced proofreaders and copy editors for our books and scholarly journals. Individuals applying should have at least two years of experience, should be able to provide two to three references from past employers, and must be willing to take a short proofreading or copyediting test. |
Love To Know |
You can write and edit for LoveToKnow. Anyone with an interest or expertise in one of the channel topics can contribute an article or edit esisting content anytime. Pay for approved writer is per article, pending acceptance. |
Manuscript Services |
We are looking for dedicated and talented writers to join our growing team of freelance authors. If we accept you, we will offer you a variety of work which will include proofreading, ghost writing, research papers and essay writing. You will be emailed the details of all of our projects, allowing you to pick work which suits you best. |
Mind Commerce |
The Mind Commerce is always looking for talented writers, trainer, and consultants for freelance assignments. Mind Commerce Publishing is a publisher of high quality market and technical reports. |
MWI, Inc. : SEO Copywriter |
Do you have excellent copywriting skills that you've put to use for search engine optimization purposes? Then hit us up because we want to talk to you.Work from home, where you want, when you want. Engagements are on a monthly basis and pay is negotiable depending on experience and the quality of the results |
Northend Networks |
Northend Networks, the leading affiliate and Internet marketing consulting firm, accepts applications for part time Content Editors. Content editors will write, manipulate, update and research content for websites. Must be comfortable working with content from a variety of sources and subjects. Must have experience. HTML skills required. Virtual / freelance work at home only. |
ProofreadNow : Proofreaders |
From time to time, we seek Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and Chinese proofreaders. Our model requires that you have reliable Internet connectivity (preferably cable or DSL or T1) and up-to-date software tools, including MS Word and/or Adobe Acrobat V6 |
Rural Heritage |
URAL HERITAGE is a bimonthly journal, established in 1976 in support of farming and logging with horses, mules, and oxen: Many of our readers have always farmed with draft animals; others are adopting to the practice for economic or environmental reasons. We welcome submissions from experienced teamsters who have knowledge to share with our readers. |
SignIndustry : Online Editor |
The online editor collects and manages editorial content, recruits & hires writers, and specifies new content applications. Requires to have a BS degree - journalism, marketing, business or related field. and 5 years experience in editorial environment related to sign industry or other business-to-business markets. |
Simply English : Editor |
We are taking applications for additional qualified editors. As an editor you will work as an independent contractor. This work can be performed from your home or anywhere you can access the Internet. The hours and level of involvement are yours to determine. Our fees are competitive and fair. |
Sound The Sirens |
Sound the Sirens is currently looking for additional writers to add to our staff. We seek talented and hard working writers to boost our current content quantity in a few specific areas. We are looking for Movie Reviewers , News Writers and Record Reviewers. |
Shvoong - Write Summaries and Short Reviews |
Write a summary or review of any published written text, written in your own words. you may choose any published book, article, newspaper, website or academic work. Your summary should be up to 900 words long. Register to Shvoong and you can start writing your abstracts and making money right away. |
Spirit Led Writer |
SPIRIT-LED WRITER is a resource for Christians who write in fiction and non-fiction genres for Christian and secular markets. It is for the beginner, intermediate and advanced writer. Check out website for editor's wish list and payment. |
Suite101 |
Suite101 is the web's leading online magazine for independent journalism and expert advice. Write for targeted readers on your chosen subjects of expertise. Get paid a direct share of lifelong advertising revenue on your freelance work. |
The Paper Expert |
If you’re a writer or editor with a Masters Degree then you might find that working for us is exciting and convenient. We are always looking for talented writers and editors to help us please our clients to no end. |
TCB Solutions : Resume Writer |
TCBSolutions.net is actively searching for qualified resume writers. Resume Writing Consultant will create achievement based resumes for clients based on information and research provided by TCBSolutions. Our consultants work from their own office. |
Text Broker - USA |
Textbroker is a mediator between writers and content clients. Anybody living in America can register as an author at Textbroker. After a short application text you will receive your first quality classification. You can then directly view and accept client orders. Your registration at Textbroker is free. You are paid through Paypal. Please read FAQs for more details. |
Victory Productions |
Victory Productions continues to develop its select database of highly experienced editorial and publishing professionals. For many projects, we call on our extensive network of freelance specialists — writers, editors, proofreaders, designers, compositors, photographers, illustrators — to assemble the right team to match the content needs of each job. To become a part of Victory’s team, please send a resume. |
WishingWell |
We always welcome submissions from freelance artists, verse and joke writers. If you would like to submit any work for consideration. All work submitted is reviewed on a regular basis and we endeavour to reply to everyone, however we would appreciate your patience. |
WordsRU |
Editor Requirements - Hold a Master’s degree or PhD or equivalent professional experience in any academic discipline. At least two years of professional experience as an editor, copyeditor or proofreader. |
WordFirm |
Wordfirm Inc. sometimes seeks skilled publication professionals—including writers, copyeditors, proofreaders, and graphic designers to work for us as independent contractors. These freelancers all work from their home office through the Internet. We expect all, though, to be professionals and top-notch in their fields. |
Writer's Relief : Proofreader |
Our author's submission service is one that assists writers of poems, short stories, essays, and book manuscripts in getting their work published. We offer proofreading services for your work and we proofread with a critical eye for detail. Fill form to apply for proofreader position. |