Online Mock Jurors and Trials
Participate in mock trials as jurors and make money from home. To join, a participant must answer a series of demographic questions, e.g. date of birth, marital status, ethnicity, employment status, etc.
Each case review may take anywhere from 20-60 minutes to complete depending on the length of the case summary and the number of attorney-provided questions. Juror payment amounts reflect the amount of time it takes to review a case.
Online Mock Jurors & Trials Listing |
Online Verdict - USA |
Earn extra money by becoming an OnlineVerdict.com juror. You will review interesting legal cases from the comfort of your home, provide feedback through an online questionnaire, and be paid well for your time. $20 to $60 per case. |
Zap Jury - USA |
The ZapJury concept was designed to create a large pool of people who are willing to serve on "mock" juries on the Internet to give feedback on actual cases pending in the courts. Lawyers have used "mock juries" with individual cases for many years, to evaluate and settle, or prepare for trial. But they have been expensive, and so are used rarely. Doing it online greatly lowers the cost. |
eJury - USA |
For each verdict rendered, eJurors are paid $5 - $10 depending on the length of the case. The amount to be paid will be shown at the top of each case. You certainly won't get rich serving as an eJuror, but just one case a week would probably pay for your Internet access. |
Jury Test - USA |
A summons will come in the form of an e-mail, for you to review a lawyer's case. Once you have reviewed the lawyer's case, we want your feedback. You will be paid well for your time. How much depends on the length of the case... Payments will likely range from between $5 per case to $50 per case for more complicated and involved cases. |
Trial Practice - USA |
Occasionally spend 4-8 hours on nights or weekends serving as a juror in the mock trial of an actual court case. If you have lived in your city for one year, have a valid driver's license, or are a registered voter in that city. Pays $ 10 per hour for participating in mock trials. |
Mock Juror - USA |
There are several types of mock jury projects that you may work on. They vary in terms of the time spent as well as the compensation. We have live projects, which can either be a full eight hour day or a four hour half day, as well as online projects. |